Submission to NZCARN Inaugural Research Symposium Proceedings Proforma

Please write your extended Abstract of your Research (current and future) under the headings below as a Word file (compatible with Windows XP) in Times New Roman, 11 pt, to be printed on 1 page of A4. Please help us map research in New Zealand.

This extended abstract will be used in three ways:
  1. Analysed by the review board to identify NZCARN themes (a start of the mapping)
  2. Published at the symposium in the symposium proceedings
  3. During mapping sessions I and II
Headings to use:
  • Name:
  • Organisational affiliation:
  • Email address:
  • These two lines are to assist symposium planning and will be edited out:
  • Do you wish your submission to be peer reviewed? Yes or No
  • Do you plan to present 1-2 poster(s) (optional)? Yes or No
  • Title: Please indicate your current and possible future research activities
  • Current work: Outline of current (and recent) research, including substantive focus,‘kind’ of research (e.g. ‘Action Research’, ‘Kaupapa Maori’, Practitioner Research, Evidence-based Inquiry etc.), research methods used, findings / outcomes to date, names of any individual or organisational partners, URLs for any on-going work or publications.
  • Possible future work: A brief statement of your area of interest and up to three researchquestions likely to be addressed in your forthcoming work.

Up to 2 pages only please, emailed by 15 May 2009 to be confident of inclusion in the proceedings.
Please email your extended abstract to; and

Jo Fletcher, Donna Morrow, Anne McGrath, Niki Davis & Bridget Somekh, NZCARN Research Symposium Proceedings Editors

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