Guidance on Optional Poster Presentation NZCARN Inaugural Research Symposium

NZCARN posters will be the focus for informal discussion around tables and display boards in a session on Thursday 28 May, and will be available to participants for follow-up reference throughout the symposium.

Posters for display should be prepared on A3 paper (up to two posters per presenter).

Please include your Abstract at the top left hand corner of your first poster (reformatted if necessary). Use the remaining space to present examples of research work in progress for discussion with symposium participants. These might include examples from research data, data collection and analysis materials. A diagrammatic representation of your research process would help participants to get an overview of your work quickly. You may want to present a mix of text, diagram and images and to use colour where possible/ appropriate. If you choose to present a text-only poster, please use headings and sub-headings to break-up your text for easy reading.

There will be awards for the best poster within each symposium theme, which will be announced at the start of the symposium.

The symposium themes will result from an analysis of the abstracts of research produced by the review board as the first stage in the work to map the territory for NZCARN.

Jo Fletcher, Donna Morrow, Anne McGrath, Niki Davis & Bridget Somekh, NZCARN Research Symposium Proceedings Editors

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